The Edge of Recall

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The Edge of Recall
Kristen Heitzmann
Bethany House
Género Literário
Policial ou Thriller

Tessa Young is a landscape architect who specializes in the design and creation of labyrinths. For years she has immersed herself in the healing aspects of these elaborate structures, searching for God and hoping to make sense of the nightmares that have plagued her nearly all her life. When Smith Chandler, an estranged colleague with whom she'd half fallen in love a dozen times before, calls to propose a project he claims is the opportunity of a lifetime, she reluctantly agrees to check it out. Smith is reconstructing a pre-Revolutionary War abbey for wealthy clients, and among its remarkable features is an overgrown labyrinth. Unable to resist, Tessa accepts his offer. Soon Tessa is immersed in what is truly the project of a lifetime. But one evening, Tessa and Smith are attacked, and while trying to protect her, Smith is stabbed. And the nightmare begins again . 

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