Perspective Made Easy

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Perspective Made Easy
Ernest. R. Norling
Dover Publications
Género Literário
Livros práticos

Perspective is easy; yet, surprisingly few artists know the simple rules that make it so. Remedy that situation with this simple, step-by-step book, the first devoted entirely to the topic. 256 illustrations.


STEP ONE The Horizon The Vanishing Point The Eye-Level  STEP TWO The Eye-Level and Its Relationship to Perspective Drawing STEP THREE Parallel lines as We Seem Them Parallel Lines Related to One-Point Perspective STEP FOUR The Three Sets of Parallels Locating the Point and the Eye-Level STEP FIVE The Two Vanishing Points "The "Height" Lines" STEP SIX Placing the Two Vanishing Points The Error of Close Spacing STEP SEVEN Showing How the Vanishing Points Move in Relationship to One Another STEP EIGHT Building Perspective with Bricks STEP NINE Placing Figures and Objects in a Drawing STEP TEN Center of Interest Changing the View Roofs in Perspective STEP ELEVEN Interiors Placing of Furniture STEP TWELVE Finding the Center Dividing Spaces into Halves Practical Applications STEP THIRTEEN Cylinders in Perspective Drawing Ellipses STEP FOURTEEN Practical Uses of Cylinders in Drawing Dividing the Circle STEP FIFTEEN Dividing a Surface in Perspective Drawing a Checkerboard STEP SIXTEEN Shade and Shadow STEP SEVENTEEN Reflections STEP EIGHTEEN Unusual Perspective Up-and-Down Points Examples STEP NINETEEN Perspective Downhill Perspective Uphill The False Eye-Level STEP TWENTY Mechanical Perspective

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