Future Perfect - TED Book Club

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Future Perfect - TED Book Club
Steven Johnson
Riverhead Books
Género Literário
Não ficção

 A non-fiction book published in 2012 by American best-selling author Steven Berlin Johnson.

In this book, Johnson presents a new political worldview he names “peer progressivism.”

This idea promotes collaboration amongst peers and the development of peer networks for the purpose of accomplishing large undertakings and ultimately helping society grow and change for the better.

The main idea that Johnson promotes in Future Perfect is that productivity and innovation are best achieved through the collaborative efforts of a peer network rather than the restrictive structure of a hierarchical system.

In a peer network, individuals aren’t as interested in competition or profit. Johnson presents his idea as a new political movement, with its followers referring to themselves as “peer progressives”. This new political view avoids the traditional ideas of both big government and also big markets.


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Tempo de resposta: Até 12 horas

Métodos de pagamento: MBway, Transferência bancária