O Perfume. História de um Assassino

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O Perfume. História de um Assassino
Patrick Suskind. 273 pp.
Editorial Presença.2006. 31.a Ed
Género Literário
Policial ou Thriller

Um extraordinário trabalho de reconstituição histórica, um dos mais importantes livros de culto de sempre.
Esta estranha história passa-se no século XVIII e é fruto de um extraordinário trabalho de reconstituição histórica que consegue captar plenamente os ambientes da época tal como as mentalidades. O protagonista é um artesão especializado no ofício de perfumista, e essa arte constitui para ele – nascido no meio dos nauseabundos odores de um mercado de rua – uma alquímica busca do Absoluto.
O perfume supremo será para..

The story follows Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, an unloved orphan in 18th-century France who is born with an exceptional sense of smell, capable of distinguishing a vast range of scents in the world around him. Grenouille becomes a perfumer but later becomes involved in murder when he encounters a young girl with an unsurpassed wondrous scent.

With translations into 49 languages and more than 20 million copies sold worldwide to date, Perfume is one of the best-selling German novels of the 20th century.[2] The title remained in bestseller lists for about nine years and received almost unanimously positive national and international critical acclaim. It was translated into English by John E. Woods and won both the World Fantasy Award and the PEN Translation Prize in 1987. Some editions of the novel, including the first, have as their cover image Antoine Watteau's painting, Jupiter and Antiope, which depicts a sleeping woman.

Survivor, genius, perfumer, killer: this is Jean-Baptiste Grenouille. He is abandoned on the filthy streets of Paris as a child, but grows up to discover he has an extraordinary gift: a sense of smell more powerful than any other human's. Soon, he is creating the most sublime fragrances in all the city. Yet there is one odour he cannot capture. It is exquisite, magical: the scent of a young virgin. And to get it he must kill. And kill. And kill…

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