Rich Dad, Poor Dad

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Rich Dad, Poor Dad
Género Literário
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Explodes the myth that you need to earn a high income to become rich-especially in a world where technology, robots, and a global economy are changing the rules Teaches why acquiring and building assets can be more important to your titure than a big paycheck-and the tax advantages investors and business owner enjoy Challenges the belief that your house is an asset —as millions of people learn first-hand when the housing bubble burst and the sub-prime mortgage fiasco ra

Reminds us why we can't count on the school system to teach our kids about money-and why this critical life skill is more important today than ever before Explains what to teach your kids about money—so they can be prepared for the challenges and opportunities of today's world and enjoy the rich life they deserve

Estado do livro
Livro em inglês.
Em ótimo estado. Lido e usado algumas vezes (tem alguns sublinhados a lápis / marcador).
Possibilidade de entrega em mãos: Santa Maria da Feira / Ovar / S.João Madeira / Tomar (segundas)
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