Act of War

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Act of War
Iris Gower
Género Literário

When Ella Burton takes a job as a lowly cleaner at the glamorous Palace theatre in Swansea, she is surprised by how quickly she takes to the job - it's as if she was born for a life in the theatre. Unlike Kathleen, who wants her name in lights, it's backstage that Ella's heart lies, running the show under the watchful eye of Anthony. It's not long before she realises that she has fallen in love, and Ella begins to dream about a future that's far from everything she has ever known...

But a tragic accident threatens to ruin everything she has worked for, and it seems clear that Ella will have no choice but to accept the man that her father chose for her - even if it breaks her heart. Will Ella be forced to put her family before her own happiness - in the ultimate act of love?

Iris Gower, Wales' favourite bestselling storyteller, begins a powerful and warm-hearted series set around Swansea's beautiful theatre.

Estado do livro
Good, second-handed book.
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