Drop dead Beautiful

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Drop dead Beautiful
jackie Collins
Género Literário

From Miami to Beverly Hills, from Mexico City, Acapulco and Las Vegas, Lucky Santangelo is back! And so is the illegitimate son Anthony Bonar, of her one time Godfather and lethal enemy, Enzio Bonnati.

Lucky is preparing for the opening of her new multi-billion dollar hotel complex in Las Vegas, The Keys. But Anthony Bonar - drug lord and vicious killer - is out to stop her in any way he can.

Meanwhile, Max, Lucky's wild 16-year-old daughter, has run off to hook up with a man she met on the Internet. Instead of the gorgeous guy she thought she'd be meeting, he turns out to be an obsessed rich psycho with a deep-seated grudge against Lucky.

And so the lethal games begin...

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