The linnet bird

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The linnet bird
Linda Holeman
Género Literário

'For you, I will write of it all - part truth, part memory, part nightmare - my life, the one that started so long ago, in a place so far from here...'

India, 1839: Linny Gow, a respectable young wife and mother, settles down to write her life story. To outside appearances Linny is the perfect Colonial wife: beautiful, gracious, subservient. But appearances can be very deceptive ...

An unforgettable book, richly descriptive and mesmerising from the start, The Linnet Bird is the spellbinding story of the journey of Linny Gow - child prostitute turned social climber turned colonial wife turned adventuress. Frequently disturbing, often moving and always enthralling, it is that rare thing: a once-in-a-lifetime read.

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Used, second-handed book.
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