Nothing green

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Nothing green
Evelyn Doyle
Género Literário

After the heady days of the trial which released her from the care of the State Industrial schools and succeeded in changing the law, Evelyn returns to the same grinding poverty. And when Desmond is once again forced to return to England to find work, 'new mammy' Jessie increasingly takes out her frustration on the twelve-year-old Evelyn. After a gruelling winter, the family eventually leaves for England in search of a better life. But matters quickly deteriorate. Jessie's relationship with Desmond becomes strained and Evelyn increasingly finds herself getting the brunt of their criticism and dissatisfaction. Part memoir, part social history, Evelyn's remarkable journey takes us through her adolescence as an assistant in Woolworth's in the swinging sixties, as a weaver in a mill in Yorkshire, and her repeated attempts to run away. Throughout everything Evelyn's inexplicably troubled relationship with Jessie looms large, casting a shadow over her life, until the story's brilliant and emotional denouement.

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Good, second-handed book.
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Tempo de resposta: Até 12 horas

Métodos de pagamento: Transferência Bancária, Mbway (quando disponível)

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