Raven's Gate

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Raven's Gate
Anthony Horowitz
Género Literário
Policial ou Thriller

A sinister story of the supernatural; first of five in a thrilling new series by this number-one best-selling author. Matt has always known he has unusual powers. Raised in foster care, he is sent to Yorkshire on a rehabilitation programme, only to find himself in the midst of sinister goings-on. Matt investigates and uncovers a terrible secret - eight guardians are protecting the world from the evil ones, beings banished long ago by five children. But devil worshippers want to let the evil ones back in. As the story reaches its climax, it looks like Matt has succeeded in stopping them...or has he? Major marketing campaign with 6-sheet advertising to launch this gripping new series. Guaranteed publicity coverage - including radio and TV interviews.

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Used, second-handed book.
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