THE PEARL (de 1945) e THE RED PONY (de 1933) - 2 em 1

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THE PEARL (de 1945) e THE RED PONY (de 1933) - 2 em 1
John Steinbeck
The Penguin Books
Género Literário

The Pearl:
When Kino, an Indian pearl-diver, finds 'the Pearl of the world' he believes that his life will be magically transformed. He will marry Juana in church and their little boy, Coyotito, will be able to attend school. Obsessed by his dreams, Kino is blind to the greed, fear and even violence the pearl arouses in him and his neighbours.

The Red Pony:
Set on a ranch in the Calidornia mountains this is the story of the joy and sorrow a young boy finds in his responsibility for his horse.


Livro com duas histórias de John Steinbeck: THE PEARL (de 1945) e THE RED PONY (de 1933)
Livro em inglês / English book | Literatura internacional
Editora: The Penguin Books, England
Dois livros em um
Sinopse: Steinbeck's two classics are stories of simple people caught up in their dreams and responsibilities

[EN] Two books in one, both by John Steinbeck: THE PEARL (originally published in 1945) e THE RED PONY (originally published in 1933)
English books
Author: John Steinbeck
Published by The Penguin Books, England

Brief: Steinbeck's two classics are stories of simple people caught up in their dreams and responsibilities

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Tempo de resposta: Até 12 horas

Métodos de pagamento: MBWay, Transferência Bancária, Dinheiro (no caso de entrega em mão)