Night of Many Dreams

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Night of Many Dreams
Gail Tsukiyama
Género Literário

Night of Many Dreams is the bestselling novel from Gail Tsukiyama that tells the tale of two sisters separated by ambition, bound by tradition.

As World War II threatens their comfortable life in Hong Kong, young Joan and Emma Lew escape with their family to spend the war years in Macao. When they return home, Emma develops a deep interest in travel and sets her sights on an artistic life in San Francisco, while Joan turns to movies and thoughts of romance to escape the pressures of her real life.

As the girls become women, each follows a path different from what her family expects. But through periods of great happiness and sorrow, the sisters learn that their complicated ties to each other--and to the other members of their close-knit family--are a source of strength as they pursue their separate dreams.

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