Kids Are Weird: And Other Observations from Parenthood

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Kids Are Weird: And Other Observations from Parenthood
Jeffrey Brown
Chronicle Books
Género Literário

As he's shown in his previous hugely popular books, Jeffrey Brown has a real gift for finding humor in quirky yet universal truths. Now the bestselling author of Darth Vader and Son and Vader's Little Princess brings his witty comic observations to terrestrial parenting in this perceptive book celebrating the more surreal moments of raising a child. In charming colorful panels, Brown wryly illustrates his fiveyear- old son's take on the world around him, from watching TV ("Elton John looks pretty in that shirt") to playing with toys ("This truck can survive on very little water") to odd requests ("Don't feel happy at me"), capturing the sweetly weird times that mothers and fathers everywhere experience with their own curious, pure-minded kids.

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Tempo de resposta: 12-24 horas

Métodos de pagamento: Mbway, transferência bancária