The Boy Who Fell Down Exit 43

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The Boy Who Fell Down Exit 43
Harret Goodwin
Género Literário
Infantil ou Juvenil

For a millionth of a second the car grazed the drenched moorland. If it had come down on any other patch of ground Finn would have simply been another statistic. Death by dangerous driving. But the car hit the surface of the earth at Exit 43.

...And at that moment, though no one yet knew it, the entire future of the Underworld changed course.


Finn Oliver knows he'll never come to terms with his father's death, but joy-riding over the moors in his mom's beat-up old car is a quick fix of freedom and forgetting.

Until the accident happens and Finn finds himself hurtling through the wafer-thin divide between the worlds of the living and the dead...

Estado do livro
I got this book when my school library was giving books that hadn't been requested for some time. Some pages have bent edges or even little rips in them. It was one of my first comfort books.

Eu escolhi este livro na minha escola em Inglaterra, quando a biblioteca decidiu doar livrs que já não tinham sido requisitados há algum tempo. O livros tem marcas obvias de uso como páginas dobradas, ou até mesmo rasgos. Chegou a ser um dos meus livros de conforto.
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