Craigie Horsfield: Relations

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Craigie Horsfield: Relations
Craigie Horsfield, etc.
Jeu de Paume - MCA Foundation
Género Literário
Não ficção

This beautifully printed, 380-page monograph delivers a thorough examination of the oeuvre of the British artist and photographer, Craigie Horsfield, born in Cambridge in 1949 and nominated for the Turner Prize in 1996. Horsfield's deeply saturated, often enigmatic and usually black-and-white photographs reflect a rigorous and refined formal unity and a precise visual vocabulary. They are held together by the notion of relation, according to the artist, in that the individual is inextricably bound to relation and not to separation or alienation. Horsfield often prints his photographs years after they were originally made, so that memory brushes up against the present, and realities conflict. Additionally, he was ahead of artists like Thomas Struth, Thomas Ruff and Andreas Gursky in manipulating and enlarging his images to the large scale we see so often today. A breathtaking presentation of one of Britain's most influential photographic artists, with new scholarship by Slavoj Zizek, among others. 

2007, 380 páginas,‎ 978-9076979335

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