The Abyss Beyond Dreams. Chronicle of the Fallers. Bk 1

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The Abyss Beyond Dreams. Chronicle of the Fallers. Bk 1
Peter Hamilton (2014)
Paperback. 687 pp
Género Literário
Ficção científica

The first volume in the Chronicles of the Fallers, The Abyss Beyond Dreams by Peter F. Hamilton is an exceptional novel exploring the mystery at the heart of the Commonwealth Universe.

To save their civilization, he must destroy it.

When a so-called prophet sees visions of a lost civilization, Nigel Sheldon is asked to investigate. Especially as these dreams seem to be coming from the Void – a mysterious area of space with hugely destructive capabilities. Then Nigel crash-lands inside the Void, and finds so much more than he expected. Bienvenido: a planet populated by survivors from long-vanished Commonwealth ships.

For centuries their decedents have been fighting a desperate battle against the Fallers, space-born predators that have evolved to conquer worlds. And Nigel soon realizes that the Fallers hold the key to the destruction of the Void itself. If he can survive long enough to find it . . .

'Huge cast, enormous canvas, big ideas – mega in every way' – Daily Mail

Continue the adventure with the second in the duology, Night Without Stars.

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