How old am I

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How old am I
Julie Pugeat
Género Literário
Infantil ou Juvenil

A first-ever children's visual reference book on age - and a unique celebration of the diversity of humankind around the globe. Created by the iconic street artist JR for young readers

For young children, the concept of age is abstract when they don't have a relatable context ... until now! This unique book showcases the faces and life stories of 100 people from around the world, organised by age, from a one-year-old to a centenarian, giving children a visual and descriptive reference point for each age. Striking close-up black-and-white portraits are paired with read-aloud text that shares personal experiences, wishes, memories, and emotions, leaving readers with an appreciation and understanding of the ageing process.

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Bom estado.
Comprado em Miami.
Em inglês.
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Possibilidade de entrega em mãos: Lisboa
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Sobre o/a vendedor/a

Amélia M

Métodos de pagamento: Mb way / Revolut