Exercises in English Patterns and Usag

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Exercises in English Patterns and Usag
Ronald Mackin
Género Literário
Livros Escolares

This edition of Exercises in English Patterns and Usage has been thoroughly revised and updated to provide an invaluable practice book for intermediate and advanced students of English as a foreign language. The exercises, for oral and written practice, are based on the structures and patterns of Hornby's Guide to Patterns and Usage in English and are organized around particular grammatical and functional categories. In each entry, a brief explanation of the grammatical point is followed by two or more examples and a variety of practice exercises. Emphasis is on using the right structures inn the right contexts and on the active use of language rather than on meaningless and mechanical repetition. Both examples and exercises are contextualized, the setting being provided by a dialogue, a short story, a letter, etc. In all entries, reference is made to Guide to Patterns and Usage in English and the Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English in order to provide the student with fuller and more detailed explanations. However, the book has been designed so that it can be successfully used on its own and the different sections can be used in isolation, depending on what the student or teacher wants to practise. There is a detailed contents page and a key to all the exercises

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