The Flowers of the Field (Flower Trilogy)

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The Flowers of the Field (Flower Trilogy)
Sarah Harrison
Género Literário

Thea Tennant, eldest daughter of a wealthy industrialist father and beautiful aristocratic mother, yearns to do more than follow the traditional path laid out for her. When her beautiful but flighty sister Dulcie brings trouble to the family, both Thea and Dulcie are sent to relatives in Austria. But with the onset of War, their lives change beyond recognition.

It isn't just the Tennants whose lives have changed: for their parlourmaid, Primmy, the War brings opportunities she is determined to take.

From the Kent countryside to the suffragette movement in London and the horrors of the Western Front, THE FLOWERS OF THE FIELD is an epic novel of the dreams and aspirations of a generation who found a voice above history's most horrifying conflict.

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