Joan Fontcuberta (Phaidon 55s)

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Joan Fontcuberta (Phaidon 55s)
Christian Caujolle
Phaidon Press
Género Literário

A major photographic artist, Fontcuberta constructs a series of elaborate hoaxes to challenge the old, long-cherished and unquestioning belief that a photograph can be a truthful representation of reality. Coming from the tradition of Spanish Surrealism, his photographic world is filled with bizarre plants and creatures of his own manufacture which only on careful scrutiny reveal themselves to be fakes. Essentially, Fontcuberta's work questions the very fundamentals of photography.

This volume - investigating the work of a particular photographer, in this case, Joan Fontcuberta - comprises a 4000-word essay by an expert in the field, 55 photographs presented chronologically, each with a commentary, and a biography of the featured photographer.

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Portes incluídos em correio editorial, sendo que não me responsabilizo por algum extravio por parte dos ctt. Caso deseje envio com registo acresce 2,40€.
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Possibilidade de entrega em mãos: Centro de Matosinhos
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André Faria

Métodos de pagamento: Mbway, transferência multibanco ou pagamento em mão