Connie of Kettle Street

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Connie of Kettle Street
Carol Rivers
Género Literário

September 7th, 1940. The Isle of Dogs, heart of London's docklands, suffers the first terrible night of a nine-month-long Blitz. But amidst the death and destruction shines a ray of hope when young Connie Marsh finds an orphaned baby boy amongst the rubble. She also finds herself falling in love with handsome Vic Champion, the part-time ARP warden who helps her rescue the child they've named Lucky. But Connie's happiness is not to last. When his call-up papers arrive, Vic leaves for the navy - and Connie knows she might never see him again. She's in danger of losing Lucky too when a sinister figure emerges, claiming to be the boy's grandfather. Will she turn for comfort to Clint Hershey, the dashing GI who makes no secret of his admiration for her? Will she stay true to Vic, the man she really loves?

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Used, second-handed book.
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