Cross-cultural exchange and the circulation of knowledge in the first global age

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Cross-cultural exchange and the circulation of knowledge in the first global age
Amélia Polónia
Género Literário

The book is divided in three parts, respectively, Science as Power and the Power of SciencePerceptions and Interactions Within Colonial Natural Worlds and Colonial Medical Practices and the Transference of Knowledge.

All together they aim at enlightening processes of knowledge production in colonial contexts and its circulation in Europe, and vice versa.

The focus of the present collection is on the relation between the development of local knowledge production and its connection with wider contexts, at local and global levels. In this setting, knowledge production would, therefore, also be influenced by how knowledge circulated among the various producers, associated with local factors, processes of exchange, negotiation, and reconfiguration, often involving asymmetric power relations.

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Tempo de resposta: Até 12 horas

Métodos de pagamento: Transferência Bancária, Mbway (quando disponível)

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