A crowded marriage

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A crowded marriage
Catherine Alliott
Género Literário

There are three people in Imogen Cameron's marriage - herself, her husband, Alex, and their son, Rufus - and that's just the way she likes it. But that's about to change...When the Camerons hit dire financial straits they're forced to leave London and accept Eleanor Latimer's offer of a rent-free cottage on her country estate. Ordinarily, such an offer is not to be sniffed at but, as Eleanor happens to be Alex's beautiful, rich and frankly flirtatious ex, Imogen is very sniffy indeed. And with good reason. Once installed in Shepherd's Cottage, Imogen's life is suddenly full to bursting with surly locals, psychotic chickens, a maddening (if handsome) headmaster, mountains of manure, visits from the infuriatingly bossy vet, and Eleanor, who seems to be glued to Alex's side. As far as Imogen's concerned, two's a marriage, three's a family and this...well, this is just silly, someone's going to have to go. The question is who?

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Good, second-handed book.
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