Far from over

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Far from over
Sheila O'Flanagan
Género Literário

Gemma Garvey's marriage has been over for ages. Gemma ended it and chose to struggle on alone as a single mother with 2 kids rather than continue the pretence that her marriage to work-obsessed David Hennessy was working. So why is she so upset when he marries bimbo bitch Orla O'Neill Is it that she's nearer in age to Gemma's daughter than to herself Is it that she's thin and gorgeous whilst Gemma, at 35, often feels more like 55 Or that David's starting a new life whilst she's facing middle age alone For Orla being wife no. 2 isn't all she's imagined, always aware of how Gemma coped with a house, family and job while she can't even cook dinner without setting the kitchen alight. To David, both have been wives and he's loved them. And when he married Orla, young, lovely and successful, he didn't see any problem. But the trouble's just begun...

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Good, second-handed book.
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