The Fencing Master

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The Fencing Master
Arturo Pérez-Revert
Género Literário

Fencing is not a game but a science. The outcome is invariably the same: triumph or disaster, life or death...It is 1868; Spain teeters on the brink of revolution. Jaime Astarloa is a master-fencer of the old school, priding himself on the precision, dignity and honour of his ancient art; his friends spend their days in cafes discussing plots at court, but Jaime's obsession is to perfect the irresistible sword thrust. Then Adela de Otero, violet-eyed and enigmatic, appears at his door. When Jaime takes her on as a pupil he finds himself embroiled in dark political intrigues against which his old-fashioned values are no protection.

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Good, second-handed book.
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