Flip Flopped

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Flip Flopped
Jill Smolinski
Género Literário

A wry, witty and very funny romantic comedy set in Hawaii. 'After five years together, I was still in love with my husband. That would probably have been a good thing, except I was serving him divorce papers.' Keeley Baker is an academic drawn to Hawaii in search of volcanoes and love. At the beginning of the novel, she has just been dumped by her husband, Kam, a native Hawaiian five years her junior, who has left her for a hula dancer. This sends Keeley into a temporary emotional spin and the novel follows her journey - by way of a papier mache erotica exhibition, an escaped pet iguana, an out-of-control children's birthday party and an erupting volcano - as she learns to pull herself up by the sandal straps and move on with her life.

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Used, second-handed book.
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Métodos de pagamento: Transferência Bancária, Mbway (quando disponível)

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