The gates of Midnight

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The gates of Midnight
Jessica Stirling
Género Literário

War has come to London once more and Holly Beckman, now a widow, is forced to find new depths of courage in the face of adversity. David Aspinall, her first lover, has come back after twenty years abroad. He still holds a fatal charm for Holly but only time will tell if she can finally trust him. A new generation defies convention in the face of death, as Holly's RAF pilot son Chris and David's niece embark on a whirlwind affair. Across the channel, Ritchie Beckman - his lucrative art business crumbling as the Germans advance on Paris - risks everything to outwit the Nazis, but his plan could mean tragedy for the whole Beckman family...

'She writes in bright colours with bold, confident strokes' Glasgow Herald

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Good, second-handed book.
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