Heaven sent

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Heaven sent
Christina Jones
Género Literário

Clemmie has a problem - she's had almost as many jobs as she's had birthdays and her lovelife is on the critical list. But with the big 3-0 looming she's determined to transform herself from unemployed singleton to loved-up success. Trouble is Clemmie's dream job would be working for local entrepreneur Guy Devlin, owner of the famous pyrotechnics company, The Gunpowder Plot. He'd also be high on her list of candidates for significant other too. But Guy has a whole veritable cargo hold of baggage - avaricious ex-wife, a host of monster ex-step children. He's not even looking for an assistant. And if he was a quirky amateur firework maker with a penchant for cream cakes and big explosions wouldn't be high on his list.

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Good, second-hand book
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