'It's OK, I'm wearing really big knickers!'

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'It's OK, I'm wearing really big knickers!'
Louise Rennison
Género Literário

Brilliantly funny, teenage angst author Louise Rennison's second book about the confessions of crazy but lovable Georgia Nicolson. Now repackaged in a gorgeous new paperback and looking even fabber than ever. Louise is an international bestselling author and her books can't fail to make you laugh out loud.

What is the matter with my life? Why is it so deeply unfab?

It's a day and a half now since I snogged the Sex God...
I think I have snog withdrawal. My lips keep puckering up...
I tried snogging the back of my hand, but it's no good...
It's been over a week. I wonder if it's my nose...
I have a HUGE nose that means I have to live for ever in the Ugly Home.

Estado do livro
Used, second-handed book.
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