Kylie: Story of a Survivor

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Kylie: Story of a Survivor
Virginia Blackburn
Género Literário

Following her battle against cancer in 2005, Kylie Minogue is back at the top and more popular than ever. She has had countless number one hit records and the tickets for her 2006 tour, the continuation of the Showgirl extravaganza she had to cancel in 2005, have sold out in record time. Throughout her many image changes, her career has gone from strength to strength and she continues to attract masses of media attention. This in-depth book takes a look at her early life as she struggled to juggle her acting and music careers, and her heartbreak over the death of Michael Hutchence. Revealing and heart-warming, this book is a must-read for Kylie's legions of devoted fans and the public for whom she has become an icon of strength.

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Good, second-hande book.
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Métodos de pagamento: Transferência Bancária, Mbway (quando disponível)

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