Lessons in heartbreak

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Lessons in heartbreak
Cathy Kelly
Género Literário

Izzie Silver left the small Irish town of Tamarin behind her for life in New York. She's big, beautiful, and dreams of her own model agency for plus-sized women (what her grandmother would call healthy.) Life is good - but she's just broken one of her cardinal rules and fallen for a married man.

On the other side of the ocean, Izzie's aunt Anneliese discovers the pain of infidelity for herself. Her husband Edward has been having an affair with her best friend, Nell. Devastated and angry, Anneliese is facing the realisation that she is now alone.

When Lily, the matriarch of the family is taken ill, the family must put their own problems aside. Izzie, intrigued by her grandmother's past begins to discover things she never knew about wise, calm Lily. Annaliese feels despair build as Lily, the one person who could have helped her, starts to slip away.

And the lessons each of the women learns - past and present - bring both joy and heartbreak. Lessons they will carry with them forever.

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