No strings attached

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No strings attached
Clare Dowling
Género Literário

Judy is getting married on Saturday and it's a military operation: the dress, the three-tiered cake, the uncle that nobody will sit beside at the reception. She knows it'll be worth it, though, because marriage is forever, right? But the night before, fiance Barry mysteriously goes missing and, to add insult to injury, his credit card shows up two days later in a nightclub in the south of France. Has he just got cold feet? Fanning her fury and grief is Lenny, Barry's best man, and king of the one-night stand. Why let commitment ruin a perfectly good romance? Lenny argues. With the love of her life romping around France, Judy just might be in the mood for a little romance - with no strings attached, of course...

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Used, second-handed book.
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