One Minute to Midnight

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One Minute to Midnight
Amy Silver
Género Literário

Nicole Blake's New Year Resolutions, 1990:
1 Start keeping a journal;
2. Lose half a stone;
3. Kiss Julian Symonds

If there are two things Nicole can guarantee about New Years Eve it's that there are always fireworks and Julian Symonds is always there.

Since she was thirteen, no New Year has been complete without Jules. Through school, university and beyond, as friends come and go, Nic and Jules are at the centre of every party.
Until one year everything changes...

Now, as another New Year approaches, Nicole has ghosts to lay and bridges to build - with her husband Dom, with her best friend Alex, and with Aidan, the man who broke her heart.
Life is about to change again for Nicole, and once the fireworks are over and the dust has settled, this time she is determined it will be for the better.

Estado do livro
Good, second-handed book.
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Métodos de pagamento: Transferência Bancária, Mbway (quando disponível)

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