Polly's angel

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Polly's angel
Katie Flynn
Género Literário

It is 1936.
Polly's guardian angel has to work overtime when her large family is forced to move from the countryside they love into central Liverpool. Money is desperately short and with her mother working and her father sick, Polly is easily led astray by a new pal, the handsome, idly Sunny Anderson.

But soon war looms, and Sunny joins the navy to train as a signaller. After the horrors of the May vlitz, Polly too decides she wants to help her country and goes into the WRNS. She hears that an old pal, Tad Donoghue from the Dublin slums, is now in the Royal Air Force. Tad hopes to be reunited with his Polly, but she is in love with Sunny...isn't she?

Estado do livro
Good, second-handed book.
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