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James Patterson
Género Literário
Policial ou Thriller

If you have a big bank account and an even bigger problem, you're going to want Private on the case.

Former US Marine Jack Morgan runs Private, a renowned investigation company with branches around the globe. It is where you go when you need maximum force and maximum discretion. The secrets of the most influential men and women on the planet come to Jack daily - and his staff of investigators use the world's most advanced forensic tools to make and break their cases.

In L.A., Jack is already deep into the investigation of a multimillion-dollar gambling scandal and the unsolved slayings of eighteen schoolgirls when he learns of a horrific murder close to home: his best friend's wife, Jack's former lover, has been killed. It nearly pushes him over the edge. Instead, Jack pushes back and devotes all of Private's resources to tracking down her killer. And Jack doesn't have to play by the rules.

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