Promises, Promises

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Promises, Promises
Patricia Scanlan
Género Literário

The village of Glenree is home to the Munroe women: from the glamorous new in-law, Emma, to dogsbody Miriam and 'Airs-and-Graces' Sheila, who is forced to watch her own daughter Ellen become the talk of the county. The saying 'love is blind' could have been invented for the wayward Ellen, whose life changes for ever when she leaves the ebony darkness and winding country roads of Glenree for the bright lights of the city. It is there she falls in love with Chris Wallace, a skunk of the highest order. "Promises, Promises" covers a decade in the lives of the four Munroe women - and the charming womanizer who left a trail of emotional destruction in his wake. A tale of love and heartbreak, laughter and tears, that will strike a chord with all women...especially those who have loved a rotter!

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Used, second-handed book.
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