Searching for Tilly

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Searching for Tilly
Susan Sallis
Género Literário

Three women came to the remote Cornish cottage that summer: Jenna, only 26 and grieving for the loss of the love of her life; her mother Caro, whose husband Steve had also died; and Laura, who had been married to Caro's beloved brother Geoff. The Widow's Cottage, the house where there were staying was called, and it was poignantly suitable.

In that tiny Cornish community they discover strange memories of their forebears, and especially of Tilly, Cora's mother, whose family history seemed to mirror so much of their own.They become swept up in the dramatic story of Tilly and her family, a story which takes them on an epic journey across the West Country and to the solution of an amazing family mystery.

Estado do livro
Good, second-handed book.
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