The Secrets of Married Women

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The Secrets of Married Women
Carol Mason
Género Literário

ffairs are easier to have than you'd think.' Jill and Rob are happily married - until they discover that it's Rob's fault they can't have kids. It isn't the end of the world for Jill. She's just happy to have a trustworthy husband who loves her deeply and presses all the right buttons in the bedroom. But Rob's gone off sex and refuses even to discuss it. In fact, all communication between them has come to an infuriating halt. And Jill just yearns for a bit of fun. It wouldn't be so bad if one of her best friends wasn't having the best sex of her entire life (albeit behind her husband's back) while her other friend has a stunning husband who she's still in lust with. But are things ever what they seem? How well do we ever know our husbands, our best friends or even ourselves? Jill is about to find out when she faces infertility, infidelity and the truth head on...

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Good, second-hand book.
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