Sunset in St Tropez

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Sunset in St Tropez
Danielle Steel
Género Literário

As Diana Morrison laid the table for six at her elegant Central Park apartment, she had no warning of what was to come. Spending New Year's Eve together was a tradition for Diana, her husband Eric, and their best friends Pascale and John Donnally and Anne and Robert Smith, and as the friends sipped champagne, they talked of renting a villa together in the South of France the following summer. But life had other plans...

Just two weeks after New Year, tragedy strikes at the heart of their close circle as Robert suffers a sudden, tragic loss. Diana and Eric, Pascale and John, united in their love and shared grief, rally to his side and urge him to join them on the Riviera in August. But the ramshackle old mansion is far from the exquisite villa they had imagined, and Robert surprises them all by inviting a lovely, much-younger film actress with mile-long legs and a million-dollar smile. Diana and Pascale hate her on sight, but the men are dazzled, and amidst the crumbling furniture and glorious sunsets more surprises are in store. Old wounds are healed, new love discovered, and miracles unfold... all beneath the dazzling sun of St Tropez

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Good, second-handed book.
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