Talk of the village

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Talk of the village
Rebecca Shaw
Género Literário

The second Turnham Malpas novel from bestselling author Rebecca Shaw.

The village is bedevilled by talk, and all is not as it seems in the village of Turnham Malpas...

Does pushy newcomer Venetia have her eye on Peter, the handsome rector? Is Jeremy, her husband, really making a success of the new health club? And why does Willie's new love set a vicious tongue wagging? In the Royal Oak, the usual banter has turned to bitter wrangling as the rector's wife Caroline makes a challenge over an ancient country tradition and splits the village her husband had so recently united.

As the people of the village use the power of words to reconcile or divide, Peter finds that it is what isn't talked about that threatens to cause madness, confusion and tragedy.

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Good, second-handed book.
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Métodos de pagamento: Transferência Bancária, Mbway (quando disponível)

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