The weight of water

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The weight of water
Penelope Evans
Género Literário

I had the dream again. And there she was. The little girl. She was standing, as she always stands, on the bank of the river. Grass green beneath her feet. Little red shoes, little white dress. Sara and Tom Ravenscroft need to escape London after a traumatic event nearly kills Tom. Their search for a safer, simpler life in the country takes them to the edge of Cornwall, to a house deep in its own valley, and the river that runs through it. But the locals are hardly welcoming, and it is not long before Sara begins to struggle with the isolation; the haunting dream that has plagued her since childhood starts to creep into the everyday - does the past hold the key to her dream or is it the present she needs to be wary of?

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Good, second-handed book.
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Tempo de resposta: Até 12 horas

Métodos de pagamento: Transferência Bancária, Mbway (quando disponível)

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