PIRATE- Sea Robber

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PIRATE- Sea Robber
Tim Severin
Pan Books
Género Literário
Ficção científica

Ambushed by a gang of hardened sea robbers headed for the South Sea, Hector Lynch, pirate and fugitive, must navigate their vessel on a nightmarish journey through the stormy seas off Cape Horn. There Hector uncovers the macabre and eerie remains of a small warship emtombed on an ice float. Her only crew are two skeletons - the unfortunate captain and his dog, both frozen to death.

When his ruthless shipmates abandon him in Peru, Hector learns from the dead captain's brother that Maria, the young Spanish woman who stole his heart and whose false testimony saved him from the gallows, is now living on the remote Ladrones, the Thief Islands, on the far side of the Pacific.

Hector's epic voyage to reach Maria will bring him face to face with a Japanese warlord who submits trespassers to his island to a deadly duel and a naked Stone Age tribe who file their teeth to sharp points and sail boats that outpace the fastest galleon.

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