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Surrounded By Setbacks
Turning Obstacles Into Success (When Everything Goes To Hell) (The Surrounded By Idiots Series)
de Thomas Erikson
idioma: inglês
How to handle everything (and everyone) around you when all hell breaks loose.
Part of the bestselling Surrounded by Idiots series!
In Surrounded by Setbacks , internationally bestselling author Thomas Erikson turns his attention to a universal what to do when things go wrong.
Too often it seems like our dreams and ambitions―whether it’s finally getting that corner office, lacing up your running shoes again, or building a flourishing relationship with your partner―are derailed by one roadblock or another. So how do we learn to take setbacks in stride and still achieve our goals?
In Surrounded by Setbacks , Erikson answers that question. Using simple, actionable steps, Erikson helps readers identify the “why” behind their goal, create a concrete plan towards achieving it, and―most importantly―avoid many of the most common pitfalls that derail us when we attempt something new. The simple 4-color behavior system that made Surrounded by Idiots revolutionary now helps readers reflect on how they respond to adversity, giving them the self-awareness to negotiate the inevitable obstacles of life with confidence.
O livro Rodeado de Idiotas ou Surrounded by Setbacks vendeu só na Suécia mais de 450 mil exemplares e foi traduzido para mais de 21 línguas, em países como a Alemanha, Finlândia, China ou EUA. O sucesso da obra, e o modo como começou a ser posta em prática por pessoas mal-intencionadas levou o autor a escrever Rodeado de Psicopatas, centrado em estratégias para combater manipuladores.
Thomas Erikson é um especialista em comunicação, conferencista e escritor.
book, secondhand, selfhelp, autoajuda, english book, thomas erickson, communication, selfdevelopment, nonfiction, psychology, business, personal development, leadership, education, happiness psychology
Idioma: Inglês
Dimensões: 137 x 205 x 21 mm
Encadernação: Capa mole
Páginas: 336
Tipo de produto: Livro / book
Coleção: Chief Inspector Gamache Novel
Classificação temática: Livros em Inglês > Vida Prática > Vida Prática em Geral > Second hand book in English