Anna and the french kiss

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Anna and the french kiss
Stephanie Perkins
Usborne Publishing Ltd
Género Literário
Jovem Adulto

Anna had everything figured out - she was about to start senior year with her best friend, she had a great weekend job and her huge work crush looked as if it might finally be going somewhere... Until her dad decides to send her 4383 miles away to Paris. On her own.

But despite not speaking a word of French, Anna finds herself making new friends, including Etienne St. Clair, the smart, beautiful boy from the floor above. But he's taken - and Anna might be too. Will a year of romantic near-misses end with the French kiss she's been waiting for?

'Magical...really captures the feeling of being in love' Cassandra Clare

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Nunca foi lido. Páginas amareladas devido aos anos.
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Tempo de resposta: Até 12 horas

Métodos de pagamento: Em mão, por transferência bancária ou por MBWay