Inner Beauty: Looking, Feeling and Being Your Best Through Traditional Chinese Healing

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Inner Beauty: Looking, Feeling and Being Your Best Through Traditional Chinese Healing
Xiaolan Zhao
Random House
Género Literário
Desenvolvimento pessoal
Livros práticos

The charismatic author of Reflections of the Moon on Water brings her years of experience in the healing wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine to show how Western women can achieve lifelong health, beauty and wellness.

In this wise and important book, Dr. Zhao talks about inner and outer beauty, using personal stories, anecdotes and case studies from her TCM practice. She also covers the fundamentals of beauty, preventing and treating skin damage, caring for sensitive skin, the benefits of acupuncture, helpful non-surgical procedures, and nutrition. With a special emphasis on women's health and beauty issues, the book covers a plethora of relevant topics, such as baby skin problems, acne in adolescence and beyond, rosacea, eczema, allergies and rashes, skin cancer, wrinkles.

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Tempo de resposta: 12-24 horas

Métodos de pagamento: Transferência bancária