With or Without You

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With or Without You
Carole Matthews
Género Literário

After her live-in boyfriend extraordinaire, Jake, dumps her for a type-A Angelina Jolie look-alike who climbs Mt. Everest, Lyssa Allen decides maybe a little adventure of her own can win him back. Leaving hair dryer, lattes and dreams of babies behind, this funny, neurotic and tougher-than-she­thought London editor sets off for Nepal, to the envy of her all-too-fertile sister.

Her monthlong sojourn in the East teaches Lyssa that maybe her horizons are bigger than she knew-and the man of her dreams far different than she thought. Even her ideas about children undergo a change, and she gains a new perspective on her former obsession with having a baby. As her eyes are opened by her handsome and serene American tour guide, Lyssa wonders if she can ever return to her old life. When it's time to go home, she has the chance to find out and faces the hardest decision of her life.

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