Jewish Theology

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Jewish Theology
Kaufmann Kohler
Género Literário
Não ficção

"In truth, Dr. Kohler's extended work of Jewish theology, the first of its kind, is an epoch-making contribution not only in the field of Jewish theological study, but also in the larger field of the study of comparative religion. Judging by the many favorable and even enthusiastic criticisms with which the book was received by scholars in the non-Jewish world, we are justified in believing that this work was, and will be instrumental in no small degree in correcting the utterly vicious and false view of Jewish theology, broadcasted in Christian circles.... Father Time often rectifies the encomiastic estimates made of living men so that men who were exalted in their day sink into insignificance and sometimes into oblivion with the passing of those who knew them. In the case of Dr. Kohler, I believe, that we may say, even now, that in the light of his signal and path-finding contributions in the field of Jewish scholarship, his eminence as a scholar in Israel will not be fugitive." -Hebrew Union College Monthly

Páginas: 370.

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