The Dark Light Years

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The Dark Light Years
Brian Aldiss
Género Literário
Ficção científica

Published for the first time in 1964, this is the 1979 version

“Aylmer Ainson has lived on Dapdrof, the planet of the Triple Suns, for forty years with his utod companions. The utods, the alien beings who live on Dapdrof, are a sophisticated, gentle race, and Ainson has learned much.
Now, as he reviews the first violent encounter between their two species and Man’s rapacious greed and total incomprehension in dealing with the utods, he prepares for death. But again Man intrudes, and Ainson is taken back to Earth, a world he has almost forgotten, and one that has undergone cataclysmic changes.“

It is 158 pages, the standard 11cm x18cm, and 12mm wide

Estado do livro
Com algumas marcas de uso, mas em bom estado
Portes Incluídos
Possibilidade de entrega em mãos: Viana do Castelo e Braga
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