Stargazer (Evernight, vol.2)

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Stargazer (Evernight, vol.2)
Claudia Gray
New York, NY, United Kingdom
Género Literário
Infantil ou Juvenil
Jovem Adulto

Te vampire in me was closer to the surface . . .

Bianca, born to two vampires, has always been told her destiny is to become one. But she has fallen in love with Lucas, a vampire hunter who infiltrated Evernight Academy, the exclusive vampire boarding school she attends. Bianca will do anything to be with Lucas, even if it means lying to the powerful vampires of Evernight.

Her deceit leads her to dig deep into the mysteries of the school, and Bianca discovers that even those she trusts the most have their own dark secrets. When a ghostly force begins attacking Evernight--and targeting Bianca--she learns a shocking truth about her past that will forever change her future.

Estado do livro
Lido apenas uma vez, Usado- em bom estado
Possibilidade de entrega em mãos: Santa Maria da Feira, centro
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Tempo de resposta: Até 12 horas

Métodos de pagamento: Mbway e Transferência Bancária