The Big Moo (Hardcover)

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The Big Moo (Hardcover)
The Group of 33, Seth Godin
Género Literário
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Most organizations are stuck in a rut. On one hand, they understand all the good things that will come with growth. On the other, they're petrified that growth means change, and change means risk, and risk means death. Nobody wants to screw up and ruin a good thing, so most companies (and individuals) just keep trying to be perfect at the things they've always done.

In 2003, Seth Godin's Purple Cow challenged organizations to become remarkable--to drive growth by standing out in a world full of brown cows. It struck a huge chord and stayed on the Business-Week bestseller list for nearly two years. You can hear countless brainstorming meetings where people refer to purple cows and say things like, "That's not good enough. We need to create a big moo!"

But how do you create a big moo--an insight so astounding that people can't help but remark on it, like digital TV recording (TiVo) or overnight shipping (FedEx), or the world's best vacuum cleaner (Dyson)? Godin worked with thirty-two of the world's smartest thinkers to answer this critical question. And the team--with the likes of Tom Peters, Malcolm Gladwell, Guy Kawasaki, Mark Cuban, Robyn Waters, Dave Balter, Red Maxwell, and Randall Rothenberg on board--created an incredibly useful book that's fun to read and perfect for groups to share, discuss, and apply.

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